Sloop Juice

Sloop Juice

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Shlyme - Sloop Juice Shortfill


Sloop Logo.jpg Shlyme Shortfill 

Lime drizzled Slushie, topped with Banana pieces and berry crumbs, finished with a few of Sloop's secret ingredients.

10ml Nicotine Shots Included For 3mg & 6mg Strengths.

Slaarp - Sloop Juice Shortfill


Sloop Logo.jpg Slaarp Shortfill 

Slaarp, a Rich Raspberry Slushie topped with a Sweet Cream Drizzle, Banana pieces, finished with a few of Sloop's secret ingredients.

10ml Nicotine Shots Included For 3mg & 6mg Strengths.

Slurm - Sloop Juice Shortfill


Sloop Logo.jpg Slurm Shortfill 

Slurm, A bursting Black Grape Jello Slushie, with hints of Berries, slightly freshened, then finished with a few secret ingredients.

10ml Nicotine Shots Included For 3mg & 6mg Strengths.